PyHC Documentation Hub
Welcome to the PyHC Documentation Hub! This centralized resource allows you to search across documentation for all Python in Heliophysics Community (PyHC) packages that use Read The Docs to find the documentation you need. Try it out in the search bar!
Available Packages
Below are the currently available packages in this hub. Click on a package name to access its full documentation:
SunPy - Python for Solar Physics.
PlasmaPy - Python package for plasma research and education.
PySat - Management and analysis tool for satellite and radar data.
PySPEDAS - Tools for loading, analysis and plotting of data from various heliophysics missions and ground magnetometers.
AACGMV2 - A Python wrapper for the AACGM-v2 C library.
AFINO - A tool for finding oscillations in time series data.
aiapy - A Python package for analyzing data from SDO/AIA.
aidapy - A Python package to provide machine learning and statistical methods to heliophysics data.
amisrsynthdata - The amisrsynthdata package generates synthetic data for the Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radars (AMISR).
apexpy - A Python wrapper for the Apex fortran library.
asilib - asilib is an open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world’s all-sky imager (ASI) data.
CDFlib - Read / write NASA CDF with pure Python + Numpy, no compiling.
CCSDSPy - A Python package for reading CCSDS (spacecraft) packet data.
enlilviz - A Python toolkit for Enlil solar wind visualizations.
fiasco - A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database.
GCMprocpy - A Python package for post processing and analysis of TIE-GCM and WACCM-X outputs.
GeospaceLAB - A Python library for managing and visualizing data in Space Physics.
HERMES-Core - A central Python Package for common functionality across all HERMES instruments.
irispy-lmsal - A Python package that provides the tools to read in and analyze data from the IRIS solar-observing satellite.
lofarSun - LOFAR solar and spaceweather data processing.
MCALF - Accurately constraining velocity information from spectral imaging observations using machine learning techniques.
NDCube - A Python package for manipulating, inspecting and visualizing multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware data arrays.
OCBpy - A Python module that converts between AACGM coordinates and an adjustable magnetic coordinate system based on the location of the polar cap.
OMMBV - Othogonal Multipole Magnetic Basis Vectors - Accurately map electric fields and ion drifts along geomagnetic field lines and accurately express vectors relative to a multipole magnetic field using an orthogonal basis.
PyCDFpp - A fast and easy to use C++ CDF library with Python bindings.
pyDARN - Python data visualization library for the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network.
pyflct - A Python wrapper for Fourier Local Correlation Tracking.
PyRFU - PyRFU is a free and open-source Python package for advanced analysis of in-situ space plasma data.
PyTplot - Based on IDL tplot, plots and manipulates time series data.
regularizePSF - A Python package for manipulating and correcting various point spread functions.
sami2py - Run, read, and plot the SAMI2 ionospheric model.
SAMMI - Manage attributes for ISTP CDF files using YAML.
SAVIC - Stability Analysis Vitalizing Instability Classification - a Python package for predicting, quantifying and classifying ion-driven plasma instabilities.
solarmach - Multi-spacecraft heliospheric configuration plotter.
space-packet-parser - A CCSDS telemetry packet decoding library based on the XTCE packet format description standard.
Speasy - Speasy is a free and open-source Python package that makes it easy to find and load space physics data from a variety of data sources, whether it is online and public such as CDAWEB and AMDA, or any described archive, local or remote.
SpiceyPy - Pythonic wrapper for Spice.
sunkit-image - A image processing toolbox for Solar Physics.
sunkit-instruments - A SunPy-affiliated package for solar instrument-specific tools.
sunraster - A SunPy-affiliated package which provides tools to analyze data from spectral data from any solar mission.
viresclient - Access to ESA Swarm mission products.
XRTpy - A Python package for analyzing data from the X-Ray Telescope instrument onboard the Hinode spacecraft.
About PyHC
The Python in Heliophysics Community (PyHC) is an organization focused on the development and use of open source Python tools for the heliophysics community. PyHC brings together developers and users working with Python in heliophysics to:
Enable collaboration and sharing of knowledge, standards, and tools
Improve interoperability between packages
Foster innovation in scientific software
Support sustainable software practices
For more information, visit the PyHC website or the PyHC GitHub organization.