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These packages each offer a wide range of functionality in their area, and conform to the PyHC community standards.
Access time series data access from many sources
Bob Weigel
Kamodo is an official NASA open-source python package built upon the functionalization of datasets.
Darren De Zeeuw
Python package for plasma research and education
Nick Murphy
Management and analysis tool for satellite and radar data.
pysat Development Team
Tools for loading, analysis and plotting of data from various heliophysics missions and ground magnetometers
Jim Lewis
Space science library for Python. Includes file I/O, time and coordinate conversions, common analysis techniques.
Jon Niehof
Python for Solar Physics
Stuart Mumford
A Python wrapper for the AACGM-v2 C library
Angeline G. Burrell
A tool for finding oscillations in time series data
Andrew Inglis
A Python package for analyzing data from SDO/AIA
Will Barnes, Mark Cheung
A Python package to provide machine learning and statistical methods to heliophysics data
Romain Dupuis, Jorge Amaya, Giovanni Lapenta
The amisrsynthdata package generates synthetic data for the Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radars (AMISR).
Leslie Lamarche
A Python wrapper for the Apex fortran library
Angeline G. Burrell
asilib is an open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world’s all-sky imager (ASI) data.
Mykhaylo (Mike) Shumko
A Python package for reading CCSDS (spacecraft) packet data.
Daniel da Silva
Read / write NASA CDF with pure Python + Numpy, no compiling
Bryan Harter, Michael Liu, David Stansby, Michael Hirsch
A Python package for retrieving cloud data file catalogs/indices
Sandy Antunes
Database-driven Heliophysics processing controller.
Jon Niehof
A Python toolkit for Enlil solar wind visualizations.
Greg Lucas
A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database.
Will Barnes
Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) on the New Solar Telescope.
Juhyeong Kang
A Python package for post processing and analysis of TIE-GCM and WACCM-X outputs.
Nikhil Rao
Geophysics analysis of radar and optical systems.
John Swoboda
Python version of geopack and Tsyganenko models
Sheng Tian
A Python library for managing and visualizing data in Space Physics.
Lei Cai
A central Python Package for common functionality across all HERMES instruments
Steven Christe, Damian Barrous Dumme, Andrew Robbertz
Easily integrate SSWIDL scripts into your Python workflow via Jinja templates
Will Barnes
A Python package that provides the tools to read in and analyze data from the IRIS solar-observing satellite.
Nabil Freij
LOFAR solar and spaceweather data processing
Peijin Zhang
Accurately constraining velocity information from spectral imaging observations using machine learning techniques.
Conor MacBride
A Python package for manipulating, inspecting and visualizing multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware data arrays
Dan Ryan
A Python module that converts between AACGM coordinates and an adjustable magnetic coordinate system based on the location of the polar cap
Angeline G. Burrell
Othogonal Multipole Magnetic Basis Vectors - Accurately map electric fields and ion drifts along geomagnetic field lines and accurately express vectors relative to a multipole magnetic field using an orthogonal basis.
Russell Stoneback
Python library supporting data access and analysis for All-Sky Imager (ASI) data
Darren Chaddock
A fast and easy to use C++ CDF library with Python bindings.
Alexis Jeandet
Python data visualization library for the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network.
SuperDARN Data Visualization Working Group
A Python wrapper for Fourier Local Correlation Tracking
Nabil Freij
Upper atmosphere models and geophysical indices.
Timothy Duly
Analysis tools for flux ropes based on GS techniques
Yu Chen and Qiang Hu
PyRFU is a free and open-source Python package for advanced analysis of in-situ space plasma data.
Louis Richard
Python reader for NASA CDF, includes CDF libraries.
Russell Stoneback
Python wrapper for cxform, coordinate transformation package
David Parunakian
Based on IDL tplot, plots and manipulates time series data
Bryan Harter
A Python package for manipulating and correcting various point spread functions
Marcus Hughes
Run, read, and plot the SAMI2 ionospheric model.
Jeff Klenzing
Manage attributes for ISTP CDF files using YAML
Maxine Hartnett
Stability Analysis Vitalizing Instability Classification - a Python package for predicting, quantifying and classifying ion-driven plasma instabilities
Mihailo Martinovic
SciQLOP (SCIentific Qt application for Learning from Observations of Plasmas) is a powerful and user-friendly software designed for the visualization and analysis of in-situ space plasma data with jupyter notebook integrated.
Alexis Jeandet
SkyWinder is an open-source Python package useful for instrument control and telemetry.
Carl Bjorn Kjellstrand
Multi-spacecraft heliospheric configuration plotter
Jan Gieseler
Data loader for Solar Orbiter/EPD energetic charged particle sensors EPT, HET, and STEP
Jan Gieseler
A CCSDS telemetry packet decoding library based on the XTCE packet format description standard.
Gavin Medley
Speasy is a free and open-source Python package that makes it easy to find and load space physics data from a variety of data sources, whether it is online and public such as CDAWEB and AMDA, or any described archive, local or remote.
Alexis Jeandet
Pythonic wrapper for Spice.
Andrew M. Annex
A image processing toolbox for Solar Physics
Nabil Freij
A SunPy-affiliated package for solar instrument-specific tools.
Nabil Freij
A SunPy-affiliated package which provides tools to analyze data from spectral data from any solar mission.
Nabil Freij
Coronal tomographic reconstructions.
Nicolas Barbey
Access to ESA Swarm mission products
EOX IT Services / Ashley Smith
A Python package for analyzing data from the X-Ray Telescope instrument onboard the Hinode spacecraft.
Joy Velasquez
Load and Plot ACE satellite magnetometer data
Michael Hirsch
plate scale / calibrate star imagery to use multiple auroral/airglow cameras together
Michael Hirsch
Auroral Electrojet AE-index read and plot.
Michael Hirsch
Digital All Sky Camera utilities, for camera at Poker Flat Research Range and elsewhere
Michael Hirsch
UAF Digital Meridian Spectrometer-- load and plot
Michael Hirsch
Python RINEX 2/3 NAV/OBS reader with speed and simplicity, handling most RINEX formats.
Michael Hirsch
UAF Geophysical Institute magnetometer network data read and plot
Michael Hirsch
NCAR GLOW 0.981 aurora/airglow model IR-VIS-UV from Python
Michael Hirsch
Download and plot GOES satellite PNGs and high-resolution NetCDF4 by date/time
Michael Hirsch
NASA Horizontal Wind Model HWM93 in Python and Matlab
Michael Hirsch
International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGRF -- in Python and Matlab
Michael Hirsch
International Reference Ionosphere 2016 from Python and Matlab
Michael Hirsch
IRI90-international reference ionosphere in Python
Michael Hirsch
LOWTRAN atmospheric absorption extinction, scatter and irradiance model--in Python and Matlab
Michael Hirsch
Access data from any Madrigal database.
Bill Rideout
Python Maidenhead <--> WGS84 coordinate conversions, useful for crowdsourced observations
Michael Hirsch
Mars Global Surveyor radio occultation
Michael Hirsch
NRL MSISE-00 atmospheric model-- in Python and Matlab
Michael Hirsch
Download/Plot NEXRAD compositive reflectivity by date/time, for ionospheric perturbations
Michael Hirsch
estimate true ionosphere height from ionosonde
Michael Hirsch
Python frontend for Gemini3D ionospheric kintic + fluid dynamics models
Michael Hirsch
Python 3D coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci and more
Michael Hirsch
Simple, clean pure Python 3 Zenodo API (upload, download data).
Michael Hirsch
Rees/Sergienko module of excitation rates, relevant to auroral optical emissions
Michael Hirsch
Dowload & plot Scanning Doppler Interferometer data from PI Mark Conde's instruments.
Michael Hirsch
Date / time conversions used in the sciences.
Michael Hirsch
Read & Plot THEMIS ASI 256x256 "high resolution" GBO ground-based imager data
Michael Hirsch
World Magnetic Model 2015 from Python
Michael Hirsch
World Magnetic Model 2020 from Python
Michael Hirsch