
PyHC Standards
In order to foster an open, welcoming, collaborative, and interoperable environment, this document lists a set of standards for the Python in Heliophysics Community.

PyHC Enhancement Proposals (PHEPs)
Documents that propose new features or processes for PyHC, providing a standardized way for introducing and discussing changes to the community.

Adding a Project to PyHC
Instructions to add your package to the PyHC Project List.

PyHC Biannual Meeting Reports
PyHC biannual meeting reports summarizing meeting details (e.g. participant list, meeting summary and final agenda, conclusions, and future considerations).

PyHC Quarterly Reports
Quarterly reports on activity within the Python in Heliophysics Community.

Python Resources
Resources for getting started with Python.

Suggested Python Development Tools
Tools that the Python in Heliophysics Community suggests using to aid Python development.

Zenodo Community
A community on Zenodo dedicated to works produced by PyHC.

Code of Conduct
The Python in Heliophysics Community code of conduct.