There is a Google Groups mailing list for discussions open to anyone. To be added to the mailing list for this project, please do the following:
1) Send an email to It doesn’t have to have any subject/body text.
2) Shortly thereafter (generally, less than a minute), you’ll get a reply from the PyHC subscribe list. Just hit reply and send. Again, no subject/body text is required.
3) Shortly thereafter again, you should receive an email saying you have joined the pyhc-list Google Group.
Once you’ve joined, you will be able to send emails to the group via, from the email you used to join.
If the above steps do not work for you, please contact Julie Barnum at LASP,
For more informal discussions and questions there is a chat room to enable live chat between users and developers. The chat is hosted on matrix and clicking the following link will open a browser window with the chat interface. There is no need to install any software.
We recently begun syncing this chat room with a Slack channel. Contact us for an invitation.
We have also recently begun moving towards integrating PyHC into Helionauts (Heliophysics forum in the cloud). This is another free platform, but an invite is required. See Helionauts’ home page for a list of people to contact for an invite link. Once you’re in, search for the “PyHC” group!
Telecons are held approximately every two weeks on Mondays at 09:00 AM Mountain time, but this can fluctuate depending on holidays, conferences, etc. See our calendar for the next telecon time.