We held the Inaugural PyHC 2022 Summer School, which was a resounding success!
The event took place in partnership with ESA, from Monday, May 30th, 2022 – Friday, June 3rd, 2022 at ESAC near Madrid, Spain. Around 500 people registered for the event, with about 50 in-person attendees and the rest virtually on the Zoom webinar (using the Slack space for communication).
The Summer school taught some Python best practices and gave attendees hands-on instruction from our package experts as they take a deep dive — via tutorials, demos, and presentations — into the PyHC ecosystem. The event attracted mainly graduate students, early career scientists, and established scientists looking to transition to Python in Heliophysics/Space Weather. Most who attended were fairly new to Python (4 years or less experience).
All Summer School project Jupyter notebooks can be found in the summer-school GitHub repo (https://github.com/heliophysicsPy/summer-school).
Began planning for the ninth-overall and sixth all-virtual PyHC Fall 2022 meeting.
To be held Monday, Nov 7th - Thursday, Nov 10th (on Zoom, from 9 - 11 AM MT).
Meeting content will follow past PyHC biannual meetings, with a combination of presentations, discussion sessions, and hackathon sessions. Meeting web page, etc., to come shortly.
The PyHC session abstracted, submitted to the Fall 2022 AGU meeting (https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting), was accepted.
Session Title: Python Implementations in Solar and Space Physics
We received 22 abstract submissions (the most of any PyHC AGU session!); this year will be a mix of oral presentations and an associated poster session.
Both the PyHC lead and technical lead presented at conferences on PyHC-related work (including the COSPAR 2022 and TESS meetings).
Telecons/Website Updates
We continued to hold biweekly telecons as schedules allowed.
Topics included some project introductions (PyThea, Feature Extraction Tools for Exploratory Analysis of Remote-Sensing Solar Observations (HDEE intro)), a Decadal Survey white paper revisit, as well discussions pertaining to PyHC communication and future PyHC summer schools.
Several more updates were made to the PyHC website during this quarter, as well:
The meeting page now reflects the new PyHC AGU 2022 session.
The Google calendar is displayed on the home page, as well as the meeting page.
We purchased a new domain name! We are now findable at http://pyhc.org (currently redirects to heliopython.org). A very special thanks is owed to Pete Riley with Predictive Science Inc. for making the purchase and handling the renewals.
Added Kamodo to core projects on the projects page
Miscellaneous: added new members to people page and cleaned up the home page’s appearance.