PyHC project status, February 2023
Of particular note for this report is that we had a “stop work” gap from the end of December through the beginning of February, due to a delay in receiving the next PyHC grant supplementation. Hence, no PyHC work was performed during that time.
- AGU Fall 2022 in Chicago, IL
- Organized and held the three PyHC sessions
- SH41C Online Poster Session; Thursday, 15 December 2022, 8 - 9 CST
- SH42E In-person Poster Session; Thursday, 15 December 2022, 9 - 12:30 CST
- SH45B In-person Oral Session; Thursday, 15 December 2022, 14:45 - 16:15 CST
- Attended other relevant sessions, as well as participated in the AGU help desk hours related to heliophysics.
- Began planning for the PyHC spring 2023 meeting, our first hybrid meeting since Fall 2019!
- To be held Tuesday, May 16th - Thursday, May 18th in-person at LASP as well as online on Zoom.
- Topics covered will conform with previous meeting formats (both in-person and virtual), along with discussed focused on future directions for PyHC.
- Will be held on-site at LASP as well as virtually on Zoom.
- Meeting web page:
- Submitted a PyHC Fall 2023 AGU session abstract.
- Session conveners: Julie Barnum, Shawn Polson, Angeline Burrell, Arnaud Masson
Telecons/Website Updates
- We continued to hold biweekly telecons as schedules (and funding) allowed.
- Topics included: GOATS project intro and a session of walk-on topics.
- PyHC website updates: