We held the sixth, and third fully-virtual, PyHC meeting from Monday, May 10th - Thursday, May 13th on the Zoom platform. Each day spanned two hours (9 - 11 AM MT). The meeting covered core project updates, as well as relevant tutorials, hackathons, and a discussion on the overall direction of PyHC. This meeting format, and the presented content, were overall well-received by the meeting attendees. Presentations, hackathon notes, Zoom recordings, and all other meeting materials can be located via the meeting web page. Due to the constantly-evolving nature of COVID-19 and worldwide/national restrictions changing frequently, we decided to keep the meeting format for our fall 2021 meeting as a TBD. Lastly, we submitted a virtual-only PyHC poster session proposal for the hybrid AGU 2021 meeting. Should the session be accepted, the conveners will be Julie Barnum, Shawn Polson, Nick Murphy, and Jonathan Niehof.
We continued to hold biweekly telecons as holidays and schedules allowed. Topics included an EMToolKit intro, a PyGemini update, a Kamodo update, brainstorming white paper ideas for the heliophysics decadal review/a Heliophysics 2050 meeting pre- and de-brief, and a short SPRINTS overview. Other, smaller topics brought up during telecons were an overview of the new keyword filtering options on the PyHC website, how to handle adding projects to the PyHC page when the lead is a non-PyHC member, switching the PyHC default branch from master to main, and spring 2021 meeting details.
Several more updates were made to the PyHC website during this quarter, as well. Updates included the following: