PyHC project status, November 2021
- PyHC leadership was strongly represented at the IHDEA 2021 meeting, which took place 27 September - 1 October. Therein, an “international PyHC Working Group” was created.
- We held our seventh overall, and fourth all-virtual, PyHC fall 2021 meeting. The meeting took place Monday, October 25th - Thursday, October 28th (on Zoom, from 9 - 11 AM MT). The core focus of the meeting was on PyHC project integration and interoperability. Presentations were given related to that, including HDEE project wrap ups and updates, an overview of results from the PyHC Integration Strategy Workshop, and introductions to new projects such as an overview of the Collaborative Development of an Executable Paper from the Python in Heliophysics Community, the PyHC in JupyterHub, a Solar Flare Detection Algorithm, the LIKED and DIARieS Resources, and the HSO Connect efforts. Additionally, meeting attendees participated in tutorial brainstorming, where the end goal was to come up with an example of integrating a package with at least one other PyHC package, hack that example, draw conclusions from the hackathon session, and then add the example to the PyHC Gallery page. While we did not get examples to add to the Gallery, fruitful brainstorming did occur and some groups were able to begin hacking on ideas. Finally, other relevant discussions (both planned and organic in nature) also took place (e.g., re SPD-41 or sustainability and maintenance of the PyHC Gallery page).
- We held a followup meeting to the August 2021 PyHC Integration Strategy (IS) Workshop (from which a public report of findings and observations was created and used to develop a (non-public, internal) NASA report for recommended action). We honed in on the immediately actionable items identified during the workshop, and began implementing plans for an inaugural PyHC Summer School, to take place in Summer 2022. More meetings to plan and orchestrate that effort are in the works.
- Results of the PyHC IS Workshop are being used to help create a paper on the PyHC python libraries with their actual status, what should be done to strengthen their compatibility, hence the information architecture, increase their usage and all the other aspects tackled during the workshop. This paper is part of the ISWAT O2-06 “Coordination and Collaborations of Python Libraries and Tools for ISWAT” team efforts.
- Results from the PyHC IS Workshop were also presented at the above-mentioned IHDEA 2021 meeting.
- We will hold a virtual PyHC poster session at the hybrid AGU 2021 meeting; our session, “SH35H - Python Applications for Solar and Space Physics iPoster” on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 15:00 - 16:15 CT.
- PyHC outreach:
- Intro to PyHC presentation was given at the 4 October 2021 CfA Seminar by PyHC leadership.
- PyHC leadership participated in “The Heliophysics KNOWledge Network: Tools for High-latitude MI Coupling Phenomena” Mapping Workshop.
Telecons/Website Updates
We continued to hold biweekly telecons as schedules allowed. Topics included a presentation on Heliophysics MI in Python (especially as it relates to students), an introduction to the HelioKNOW effort, and an overview of the ROSES OSTFL SunPy proposal.
Several more updates were made to the PyHC website during this quarter, as well. Updates included the following:
- The PyHC Gallery page was updated to:
- Include links back to the PyHC website home page.
- Build docs from a local copy (a workaround for failing builds due to QT dependencies in PyTplot).
- Update the Gallery example.
- The overall PyHC website was updated to:
- Add the hissw package to the Projects page.
- Remove HelioPy from both PyHC core packages, and the the Projects page (it is being deprecated and functionalities therein are being delegated to other packages).
- Add pySPEDAS as a core PyHC package.
- Update the Meeting page to include up-to-date information for the Fall 2021 meeting and PyHC virtual AGU 2021 poster session.
- Add zoom recordings (linked on the Meetings page) and an overall meeting report (which was also uploaded to Zenodo; links can be found on the PyHC Meetings and Documents pages) for the PyHC Fall 2021 Meeting.